Volunteer/ Donate/Join!
The Cincinnati Sister Cities is funded entirely by its volunteer membership, we have no staff. There are many ways to support the Cincinnati Sister Cities. To get the most out of the organization, we highly recommend becoming a member and volunteering or joining a committee.
We have programs available - for adults and students. For Adults we have Art, Culture, Economic Relations, Youth and Education, Internship Programs, Teach Abroad, For students we have International Young Artists, International Young Authors, and Youth Ambassador Exchange Programs to Mysore, Munich and New Taipei City.
If you already have a full calendar, please consider donating. All of our programs are supported by volunteers and private donations. Our members are our volunteers. Join us and sign up to be member.
To learn more about joining Cincinnati Sister Cities and gain access to our network across the world, please choose the kind of membership that would interest you.
Diplomat Member Fees per Year
Student $10.00
Individual $15.00
Family $25.00
Indicate the city you would most like to associate with and send us your details.
Make your check out to Cincinnati Sister Cities or pay here.
Send us the following information through our contact page:
Diplomat Member Application
Name ______________________________
Address ______________________________
City ______________________________
State _____________ Zip __________
Home Phone ____________________________
Cell _________________________________
Email _________________________________
Please indicate the Sister City Organization you are interested in working with and the areas that interest you.
Liuzhou, China
Gifu, Japan
Amman, Jordan
New Taipei City, Taiwan
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Harare, Zimbabwe
Nancy, France
Munich, Germany
Mysore, India
Home Hospitality
Business & Professional Exchanges
Arts & Culture
Event Planning
Mail these details with your membership fee to:
Membership, Cincinnati Sister Cities
421 Oak Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Corporate Membership
Platinum Sponsor $10,000
Gold $5,000
Silver $2,000
Bronze $1,000
Supporter $50-100
Partner level ( Free services offered to us)
Consider a year end contribution!
Thanks for all of your support!